Monday, September 20, 2010

Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions

Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions Review

The two coeds who have already reviewed this book are not aware of what printed gold they possess, judging by their reviews. This book is one they should carry with them throughout their working lives. Their biggest career mistake might be selling it back to the bookstore.

If they were here I would tell them how perfectly unproductive and boring it has been to have sat through hundreds of hours of boring presentations, training, and absolutely worthless, time-consuming meetings. The only bright side to such agony is that they have provided me with income, training people how to correct these limitations.

This book, editions 2 and 3 were the core of my experience learning communication skills. My first purchase was in 1983 or 4. (The 2nd edition was stolen). The book is divided into four parts: 1) Basics of Business and Professional Communication, 2) Personal Skills, 3) Working in Groups, 4) Making Effective Presentations. These parts covered many neglected skills such interviewing skills, from which I learned to teach interviewer skills and perhaps the most important of all, listening skills. The book also covers problem solving, conflict management, negotiation, and other essential skill-building topics. The last four chapters on presentation skills were the start point for my thesis. I can only imagine how much better the 10th edition is!

I highly recommend that you purchase this if you feel you are not effective at making presentations, running meetings, listening, or interviewing. I highly recommend this book if you feel you are effective at making presentations, running meetings, listening or interviewing. Many employees confided to me how badly their boss needed the training, while their boss told me that his employees needed the training!

This book is not just for students; it is also for the person already in business. It is also for those who think they won't need it. Studies show that even blue-collar workers will make some form of presentation at least four times in their lives according to the author.

Buy it, and treat it like an heirloom.

P. S. Professor Adler might not be happy at my adding this, but he is also accessible and his suggestions have been helpful. (That was before the Internet).

Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the Professions Overview

As the leading text in its field, Communicating at Work takes a pragmatic approach that applies scholarly principles to real world business situations. Strong multicultural focus, emphasis on working in teams, and thorough coverage of presentational speaking continue to be hallmark features. The tenth edition features a more streamlined organization, new Technology Tip boxes, new Case Study sidebars, updated coverage of intercultural communication, new communication networks, and more.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 20, 2010 13:02:05

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